Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Just saying...

My husband flies back in tonight yay!
So depending on how we go (usually quite busy when he's back) I will endeavour to take some pics, or even get him to take some, he may enjoy contributing to my dear old blog. LOL

So see you in a week or just a few hours or more.

Tash xxx


The tiler has yet to return, to put the new tiles in...I have had a tough week this past week and tonight had enough! So gaffer taped a plastic bag over the space where the tile was missing over the bath and I had a bath.
I feel soooo much better for it and of course the two little ones hopped in with me. Love them to bits.

Saw a crash between a bus and a car today and apparently the person passed away. :( very sad.

We were literally 2 minutes car drive from our house, but were turned away and so returned to Two Rocks and through past Sea Trees Estate and basically did a huge circle. My 6 minute drive, turned into 40 minutes.

Haven't mentioned, as I haven't been posting, but our grass out the front did a spectacular flop. Lack of water and it died...I have been out watering it every single evening for the past 4/5 weeks and it's back. Finally. I think I shall aim to have a play with the camera and take some garden photos.

Ok, well all from me this evening. Hope everyone out there reading are well. :)

Tash xxx