Well, latest news is that the Shingles have been delivered...YAY!
So hopefully soon, we will have them on the actual roof. My 'super spy' has said she will go and take some piccies on the weekend, so as soon I get them. I will post them here.
Aside from that, nothing much else to say.
I don't know about anywhere else in Australia at the moment, but we are having the most glorious weather out here. Sunshine and more sunshine, it's starting to get hot but as a seasoned resident of this small town I am used to it, so not finding it too much just yet. Already the complaints from the 'newbies' has started though. LOL
People are streaming to the pool now it has opened, which I can not believe...as I don't think it's hot enough.
Ok, best be off.
Attempting another new recipe tonight. Got to start it now. :)
Tash xxx