Monday, February 1, 2010

FINALLY photos!!!

Ok, there are a few photos, but it was hard trying to think of what everyone would be intested in seeing. Anyway, hope you like them!!
Tash xxx

Activity room looking from the laundry
Dining room

Gargage looking out to back garden, roller door to come.
Garage inside - pavers we get to keep! Site supervisor confirmed, so that's great!
Childrens bathroom
Our eldest daughters bedroom
Theatre room
Theatre window
Family room
Our ensuite
Our toilet
Our shower
View of our ensuite - LOL at me in the mirror!!!
One of the walk in robes in our room
Our ensuite and walk in robes to the left and right
Our bedroom
Front door and entrance
Our bedroom
Looking from around corner from kitchen to front door area
The oven
Pantry shelves
Pantry shelves again, different angle