Wednesday, December 1, 2010


The tiler has yet to return, to put the new tiles in...I have had a tough week this past week and tonight had enough! So gaffer taped a plastic bag over the space where the tile was missing over the bath and I had a bath.
I feel soooo much better for it and of course the two little ones hopped in with me. Love them to bits.

Saw a crash between a bus and a car today and apparently the person passed away. :( very sad.

We were literally 2 minutes car drive from our house, but were turned away and so returned to Two Rocks and through past Sea Trees Estate and basically did a huge circle. My 6 minute drive, turned into 40 minutes.

Haven't mentioned, as I haven't been posting, but our grass out the front did a spectacular flop. Lack of water and it died...I have been out watering it every single evening for the past 4/5 weeks and it's back. Finally. I think I shall aim to have a play with the camera and take some garden photos.

Ok, well all from me this evening. Hope everyone out there reading are well. :)

Tash xxx


  1. Hi Tash
    It was a long way home. From news room -
    A 69-year-old British tourist has died after his vehicle collided head-on with a bus in Yanchep this afternoon. The man was initially trapped in his vehicle and later died at the scene. He was driving a Hyundai sedan northbound on Yanchep Beach Road near the intersection of Two Rocks Road when he drifted into the wrong lane and crashed into the Transperth bus. The bus was not in service at the time and had no passengers.

  2. Thanks I saw that last night, even though it is sad that a man has passed away I was worried it would be someone everyone knew in the community...
